Friday, November 10, 2006

Spammies from Heaven

The money comes pouring in! Look at that comment on my last post! I'm rolling around naked on top of 800 fresh, crisp, lacerating dollar bills! And all I have to do to open the filthy lucre floodgates is click on a link posted by someone named "anonymous," who makes $800 every month and it's easy and I'm going to be slicing off so much cheddar, I'm already opening new lines of credit (or should I say "cheddit"?) and I'm going straight from here to The Territory Ahead website and order me some richly textured dobby-weave shirts! Everything from now on is going to be richly this or luxuriously that!

Just think, out of all the millions of blogs out there, anonymous picked mine. I knew it would pay off! If I just did what I love -- blogging -- the money would follow. If I just stayed true to my vision, blogging and bloviating relentlessly...

I'd like to thank Joren and Beth for making this possible. And I'd like to thank Bighead Needleman for challenging me and forcing me to be a better blogger. And lastly, to all the people, all four or five of them, who have read my blog and left comments -- to Dan, Lee Anne, and of course my wife and best friend...

Sorry. I didn't really have anything prepared, and I really should have worn a diaper.

Thanks. Thanks so much.


Unknown said...

See, Jim? Stuff like that is why I have people put in a little code to post a comment, and why I see all comments before they appear on my blog. Sheesh.

Tina said...

Wow, you have to be kidding me...


Spulgey, you gotta GO for it. Follow your dreams! Leave behind this popsicle stand we call "work."

I'm behind you all the way!